What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? – Romans 8:31 (NLT)
The fact that God sent His only Son for us is incredible. Even more incredible is the fact that God sent Jesus when we were His enemies. If God gave us His very best when we were at our worst, we can rest assured that He will give us His best now that we are His kids!

Today’s Truth: God gives you his very best because you’re his child.
No matter who or what might be coming against you today realize that it doesn’t have to slow you down or depress you. God is for you and knowing that is all the encouragement you need to face any difficulty that comes your way.
So today remind yourself that God is for you. Even when it’s hard. In those times you don’t think you can make it, know that God is there! He loves you and He wants the very best for you.
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